Welcome to the website of on-line restaurant of Japanese cuisine - "Sushiman"
Nowadays, there are quite a few companies on the Internet that specialize in the preparation and delivery of sushi, directly to your home or office. Indeed, sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house or you don’t have time to go out for lunch at work, which is when the services of such “Internet restaurants” become especially popular. Therefore, we would like to share with you about our young and rapidly developing company Sushiman

Do you want to spend a romantic evening with your loved one? Or just have a good time with friends and enjoy delicious food in a pleasant company? Then on-line sushi bar “Sushiman.kiev.ua” is the place where you will not regret ordering sushi at home! We deliver sushi in Kyiv.

Sushiman is a real team of professionals who have worked for many years in the best Japanese restaurants in Kyiv (and beyond). Our work combines best practices, in-depth knowledge of Japanese cuisine, all the nuances of cooking – all the best!

Our online sushi bar offers the widest assortment of sushi, rolls, miso soups, sashimi at the most friendly prices. You will definitely find something to your taste, because we have everything from classic sushi to specialty rolls. We know how to surprise and always strive to diversify our already extensive menu.

Your order is delivered to the kitchen immediately after being agreed with you. Neither earlier nor later. Sushi is delivered immediately after preparation.
Certified sushi chefs work on your order, using professional equipment.
Sushi delivery is carried out in special thermal bags that allow you to preserve the pristine freshness and useful qualities of the products.
Our chef is constantly working on improving and finalizing the menu, adding new original dishes.
Our on-line restaurant will surprise you with its rich assortment of dishes created according to unique recipes, and most importantly – with full responsibility for 100% freshness and quality!
We work exclusively with professionals who love what they do! The precisely coordinated workflow allows you to reduce your time when placing an order, preparing it directly and delivering it quickly. Try all the variety of Japanese cuisine from the comfort of your own home, apartment or office!